haven't we been here before
my ravenous mouth gaping
your desperate sweetness
egging me on, unable to be
anything but tempting by
isn't this taste a little too familiar
to simply be the same brand
the same flavor, a repeated meme
year after year, something that
could be brought back again
rebooted for each
please don't play games with me
i've eaten enough poison
for a thousand lifetimes
and never yet
found myself
able to stay dead
call it a failing of mine
i thought i ate you already
so why am i finding you
in my hands again
this year
please this has to end
at some point so just
explain how we keep
getting back here
i don't think it's anything
so ridiculous as free drugs
- who has that much money
to waste -
so it has to be a curse
or maybe a wish gone wrong
it's not that you aren't delicious
but i can't taste anything else
and i just can't stop thinking
my belly ought to be full by now
and i miss being able to want
anything else